The health risks of mosquito bites

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More than just a summer nuisance, mosquito bites represent a serious threat to public health worldwide. These insects, vectors of numerous diseases, can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. Find out more about the dangers of mosquito bites and what you can do to protect yourself.

Mosquito-borne diseases

Zika virus

The Zika virus is mainly transmitted by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Since it was first identified in 1947, it has caused major epidemics, most notably in Brazil in 2015. Zika virus symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis. The virus is particularly dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause birth defects such as microcephaly in newborns.


Dengue is another viral disease transmitted by the same species of mosquito. It is present in over 100 countries and affects around 400 million people every year. Symptoms include high fever, severe pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, and skin rashes. Although dengue is rarely fatal, it can progress to a severe form known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, which requires urgent medical attention.


Chikungunya, also transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, is characterized by sudden fever and intense joint pain. Skin rashes and headaches are also common. The disease can lead to chronic joint pain lasting months or even years, severely affecting patients’ quality of life.

Yellow fever and malaria

Yellow fever, caused by a flavivirus, can be prevented by vaccination, but remains a threat in certain tropical regions. Symptoms range from mild fever to severe haemorrhage and multivisceral failure. Malaria, on the other hand, is caused by Plasmodium parasites and is responsible for over 400,000 deaths a year, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Anopheles mosquitoes, the vectors of malaria, bite mainly at night, making insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets particularly effective.

Symptoms and reactions to mosquito bites

mosquito bites

Mosquito bites usually cause immediate itching and rashes due to an allergic reaction to the saliva injected by the mosquito. Symptoms include redness, swelling and skin irritation. Some people may develop more severe reactions, such as blistering or secondary infections if the bites are scratched intensely.

In addition to local reactions, systemic symptoms can occur if a disease is transmitted. For example, fever, headache, muscle and joint pain are common in cases of dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika virus. It’s crucial to monitor these symptoms and consult a healthcare professional if infection is suspected.

To treat mosquito bites, we recommend the use of soothing creams containing antihistamines or corticoids, such as hydrocortisone. These products reduce itching and inflammation, bringing rapid relief. It is also advisable to clean the affected area with soap and water to prevent infection.

Preventing mosquito bites

Use of repellents

Mosquito repellents are essential for protection against mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever and the Zika virus. Products containing DEET, icaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus are particularly effective. We recommend applying these repellents to exposed skin and clothing for maximum protection.

Physical barriers

Physical barriers such as insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets offer effective protection, especially at night, against Anopheles mosquitoes, the vectors of malaria. Wearing long, light-colored clothing also reduces the risk of bites. Make sure windows and doors are fitted with mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

Mosquizen solutions

Mosquizen offers innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions for mosquito control. The Qista mosquito repellent uses a combination of recycled carbon dioxide and olfactory baits to attract and capture female mosquitoes. This method, which uses no harmful chemicals, effectively protects up to 60 meters around open spaces. The connected bollards can be controlled remotely via a smartphone app, offering convenient, environmentally-friendly management.


Environmental management is crucial to reducing the mosquito population. Eliminating stagnant water where mosquitoes breed is essential. Community initiatives and public health programs play an important role in this fight. Regularly emptying containers that may hold water, such as buckets, flower pots and tires, significantly reduces mosquito breeding grounds.

Treatment of bites and diseases

To relieve the itching and discomfort caused by mosquito bites, we recommend the use of soothing creams containing antihistamines or corticoids, such as hydrocortisone. These products reduce inflammation and provide rapid relief. Aloe vera and tea tree lotions are also effective in soothing the skin.

Treatment for mosquito-borne infections varies according to the disease. For example, malaria is treated with anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine or artemisinin. For dengue fever and the Zika virus, there is no specific treatment; care focuses on relieving symptoms such as fever and pain. Rest, hydration and analgesics are essential.

It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional in the event of severe or persistent symptoms. In the case of serious illnesses such as yellow fever, hospitalization may be necessary for intensive care and monitoring.

Mosquito control

Efforts to control mosquito proliferation are crucial to preventing the transmission of vector-borne diseases. Public health strategies include epidemiological surveillance, environmental management and community education. Awareness campaigns are essential to inform the public about preventive measures, such as eliminating stagnant water and using repellents.

Scientific initiatives, such as the genetic modification of mosquitoes to reduce their ability to transmit disease, are also under development. These efforts are aimed at controlling mosquito populations and minimizing public health risks.


Mosquito bites represent a serious threat to health, due to the diseases they can transmit. By taking preventive measures and staying informed, you can reduce these risks. Adopt effective strategies to protect yourself and your community. Contact to implement innovative and environmentally-friendly technological solutions.

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